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Gadisa Birhanu, fondatrice di Testimony 2540, sa che c'è potere in un nome. Come ONG, Testimony 2540 serve i bambini di strada ad Addis Abeba e fornisce loro i mezzi per frequentare la scuola e avere successo con i talenti che Dio ha dato loro. Allora perché Testimonianza 2540? Semplice. La testimonianza di Gadisa, di se stesso e di Matteo 25:40. Gadisa è cresciuto senza casa e orfano; un bambino di strada. Invece di lasciare che la situazione lo controllasse, Gadisa ha frequentato la scuola e alla fine si è laureato all’università. Come afferma, la sua testimonianza “ispirerà e darà speranza ai bambini di sognare in grande. Quando cresceranno e avranno successo, la loro vita sarà una testimonianza e un’ispirazione per altri orfani”. Per gran parte della sua vita, Gadisa ha avuto la passione e il sogno di aprire un rifugio per i bambini di strada perché conosce il loro dolore. Sa come ci si sente ad avere fame e ad essere senza casa. Gadisa, inoltre, conosce il potenziale di ogni bambino e vuole offrire un luogo in cui le capacità e i talenti donati da Dio possano fiorire. Questo porta a 25:40, riferendosi a Matteo 25:40 dove Gesù dice: "Il re risponderà: 'In verità vi dico, qualunque cosa avete fatto a uno di questi miei minimi fratelli e sorelle, l'avete fatta a me'. (NIV)." I bambini di strada di Addis Abeba sono bisognosi e Testimony 2540 vuole essere lì per gli ultimi di questi, o per usare le parole di Gadisa, "quando aiuti, nutri e visiti i bambini, significa che sei nutrendo, visitando e aiutando Dio e testimoniando la parola di Dio”. Testimonianza 2540 si concentra inizialmente sull'area di Addis Abeba, ma ha l'obiettivo di raggiungere tutta l'Etiopia e, infine, tutta l'Africa orientale.


We're in the media's



We are delighted to share an amazing interview that our Gadisa Birhanu, the founder of Testimony 2540, which encapsulates the essence of our mission and the incredible journey that led to the establishment of our NGO. In this interview with Etv | Ethiopia | News - YouTube, Gadisa opens up about his personal experiences as a street child and his unwavering determination to make a difference in the lives of others.

Gadisa's story is one of inspiration, resilience, and faith. Growing up homeless and orphaned, he faced immense challenges. However, through his unwavering commitment to education and his unyielding faith in God, Gadisa overcame adversity and graduated from university. His personal testimony serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that with determination and the right support, even the most difficult circumstances can be overcome.

Message from our Founder: A Testimony of Hope and Transformation


In his interview, Gadisa expresses his deep passion for helping street children in Addis Ababa. He shares his vision of providing them with the means to attend school and nurturing their God-given talents, enabling them to become successful and inspiring individuals. Gadisa firmly believes that their transformed lives will serve as a testimony and inspiration to other orphaned children, breaking the cycle of despair and offering them a future filled with promise.

Furthermore, Gadisa emphasizes the significance of Matthew 25:40, where Jesus teaches us the importance of serving the least fortunate among us. He believes that by helping, feeding, and visiting these vulnerable children, we are not only assisting them but also testifying to the word of God and uplifting the lives of those in need.

At Testimony 2540, we are dedicated to turning the dreams of street children into realities. We strive to provide them with a safe haven, where they can thrive, develop their talents, and receive an education. We are grateful for the support of our donors from abroad, and we envision a collaboration with the government to expand our reach and impact.

He also mentioned his lifelong dream has been to establish a haven for street children, understanding their pain and the potential they possess. Through Testimony 2540, he aims to create an environment where these children can thrive and reach their full potential. While Testimony 2540 already has donors from abroad, Gadisa recognizes the importance of government cooperation to reach even more children. He has been in the process of building the Testimony Village, with design and other preparations underway. He hopes that the government can provide more land, allowing the Testimony Village to become a reality in the near future.

His Interview with EBC - Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation,one of the country's largest media outlets. In the interview, he shared his personal journey as a former street child and highlighted how his commitment to education and faith in God propelled him to his current position. He emphasized the importance of the Feeding Center, which serves as a vital resource for these vulnerable children. Gadisa expressed his gratitude for the support from donors abroad and expressed his desire for increased government cooperation to expand their reach and impact.

We invite you to watch Gadisa's inspiring interview on our website. Witness his journey, hear his powerful message, and join us in our mission to transform the lives of street children in Addis Ababa. Together, we can make a difference, one child at a time.

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